It is only seemingly simple, with a single nave, typical Romanesque decorations and a bell gable. In reality, it contains ancient paintings and unusual decorations, as well as religious symbols from a Nuragic tomb. The church of San Lorenzo stands on a small hill in the northwestern outskirts of Silanus, surrounded by a tree-lined courtyard. It was built around 1150, probably by the Cistercian monks from the abbey of Santa Maria di Corte in Sindia.

The building has a single nave with a rectangular layout and a semicircular apse facing east. Inside it, there are traces of frescoes created around the first half of the 13th century, with images of saints and bishops. The portrayal of Saint Christopher, with his legs immersed in a river, stands out. You will also be surprised by the animal, plant and human-faced figures that appear in the hanging arches running along the perimeter of the church.