Ancient codes and precious frescoes

San Pietro di Sorres - Borutta

Ancient codes and precious frescoes

A journey through Logudoro and Planargia, in Sardinia’s north-western region, to discover some of the most interesting Romanesque Christian architecture built between the late XI and early XII centuries

In the territory that once belonged to the giudicato (reign) of the Torres clan in the north-western corner of the island are some of the most elaborate expressions of Sardinian Romanesque architecture: two in the Logudoro-Meilogu, the former cathedral of San Pietro di Sorres in Borutta and the church of San Nicola di Trullas in the small town of Semestene, as well as another former cathedral in Bosa, Planargia’s main town: San Pietro extra muros, just outside the walls of the picturesque town, along the banks of the Temo river.

Journey length: 58 km

Road travel time: 1 h

Monastery of san Pietro di Sorres, Borutta

The impressive complex of San Pietro di Sorres, one of Sardinia’s best known Romanesque churches, is located in Borutta. It sits with its two-tone paraments on the top of a rise. Built between the XI and XII centuries, it originally served as a cathedral. Today it is home to a community of Benedictine monks.
San Pietro di Sorres, interno - Borutta
San Pietro di Sorres
In the historical territory of Meilogu, in the northwestern part of Sardinia, stands one of the most famous Sardinian ecclesiastical buildings: its...

Church of San Nicola di Trullas, Semestene

In the countryside surrounding Semestene is the small church of San Nicola di Trullas, a fine example of Romanesque architecture, complete with beautifully preserved Romanesque frescoes. The church was built in 1114 by the Athen family and, later on, donated to the Camaldolese order of Benedictine monks, who turned it into a monastery. The layout features a single nave and a double cross vault ceiling.
Chiesa romanica - Semestene
Church of San Nicola di Trullas
In the historical region of Meilogu, in the northwestern part of Sardinia, one of the Island’s most ancient and interesting Romanesque religious...

Cathedral of san Pietro extra muros, Bosa

The former cathedral is located in the open countryside where Bosa Vetus once rose, along the banks of the Temo river. It is one of Sardinia’s oldest Romanesque churches and stands out for its elegant proportions and the decorations adoring its façade. Built with lava stone in 1073 at the behest of Bishop Costantino de Castra, it has a triple nave divided by arches set on columns, and a high bell tower. At the top of the façade is a niche on pillars and slopes with a sequence of crossed arches. The façade is believed to be the work of Anselmo da Como, who designed the church of San Pietro di Zuri.
Chiesa San Pietro extra muros - Bosa
San Pietro extra muros - Bosa
Just outside the residential area of one of the most characteristic villages in Sardinia, stands the most ancient Romanesque place of worship on...

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