Its appearance is solemn, like that of a cathedral. The church of Nostra Signora d’Itria is located eight kilometres east of Gavoi and what makes it special is the festive atmosphere and the hospitality that can be felt when the sanctuary and the cumbessias around it open up to the pilgrims, novena participants and visitors, especially during the celebration at the end of July, dedicated to the Madonna of Itria. The area in which the novenary is located has always been considered sacred: in fact, various archaeological evidence emerges in its surroundings: gigantic walls, Domus de Janas, Tombs of Giants and a few menhirs. In particular, sa Perda de sa Itria stands out. It is a granite monolith about four metres high, devoid of figurative elements and lodged in the green ‘garden’ to the south of the church, on the side not occupied by the cumbessias.