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Veduta di Perdasdefogu

It is part of the Ogliastra Blue Zone, one of five areas in the world with the highest life expectancies among the inhabitants. Hence, it does not come as a surprise that the most long-lived family in the world in 2014 was from...

Chiesa san Giorgio - Quartucciu

It stretches across the deepest part of the Campidano plain, six kilometres from Cagliari. It was once a district of Cagliari, between 1028 and 1983, and is situated close to two of the most evocative natural attractions in Sardinia,...

Sa Rejna - S'Ortu mannu - Villamassargia

A woods of olive trees planted between the 14th and 17th centuries, trees with majestic, twisting, gnarly trunks protected by a lush green canopy of leaves. S’Ortu mannu means ‘great orchard’ and is a nature oasis...

Chiesa di Nostra Signora di Coros - Ittiri

On a high plain at 450 m above sea level, nestled among peaks (the highest being monte Torru at 620 m), lakes (Bidighinzu, Cuga and Temo) and valleys dotted with olive groves and vineyards. Ittiri is in the Coros...

Biker nel borgo di Tratalias

“Tratalias is not close to anything.” This is how ‘The End is Known’ (1992) begins: a taxi driver replies to Fabrizio Bentivoglio, on his way from Cagliari to the town in lower Sulcis, which he believed to be closer. The film confirms...

San Giorgio - Pozzomaggiore

Several inscriptions, dotted around the inside of the chapels, indicate its construction period, between 1551 and 1598, but it is sufficient to admire the bright façade and the internal layout, comparing them to the churches of Santa...

Monte Tuttavista - Galtellì

Along the shores of the Cedrino river, Galtellì sits on a spectacular high plain at the feet of Tuttavista, on top of which stands a majestic bronze statue of Christ, the destination of pilgrimages who follow a path...

Miniere di Montevecchio - Guspini

It embraces a large portion of the Monreale sub-region on the Oristano border and the hills of the Iglesiente sub-region. Guspini, a little town with medieval origins and almost twelve thousand inhabitants, has two different souls...


San Pietro was a cathedral from the 11th century until 1418, the year in which the diocese of Barbaria, including Trexenta, merged with that of Cagliari. The vicissitudes of the church of San...

Chiesa di san Platano - Villaspeciosa

Its plain, crossed by the Cixerri river and bounded by hills extending as far as Monte Arcosu, has seen uncovered a precious heritage from prehistory to the early Middle Ages. Villaspeciosa...