The population of Seui contributed to setting up the collection for the ethnographic part, while the rest is evidence of the life and works of a well-known intellectual and politician who was born here and lived here until his adolescence. Casa Farci is a building dating back to the 19th century, located in the heart of the main town of Barbagia di Seulo. Its historical relevance comes from the fact that Filiberto Farci was born here in 1882. He was a writer and co-founder of the Partito Sardo d’Azione together with his great friend Emilio Lussu. The visit allows you to admire his study, where objects, documents and letters are kept, as well as his library. In addition to his political and literary activity, both rooms also testify to his relationships with other important figures on the Island’s cultural scene, such as Sebastiano Satta, Grazia Deledda, Francesco Ciusa and Antioco Casula.