It was once called Forum Traiani, when it was a main town in the island’s hinterland founded by the Romans during the Late Republic, when under Emperor Trajan it became a trading post between communities living inland and the Roman controlled populations of the gulf of Oristano. Today, Fordongianus is is home to less than a thousand people in the Barigadu region, famous for the thermal wellness spa constructed around hot mineral-water springs that have a constant temperature of 56°C all year round and provide a variety of health benefits. A detail the Romans were already aware of: the town sits on the left edge of the lush and fertile Tirso River Valley where warm Aquae Ypsitanae curative waters emerge from deep within the earth. The Roman baths here date to the first century CE and are now an archaeological attraction. Two establishments can be visited, one where a vaulted ceiling covered a rectangular pool with porticos along the sides and the other with a changing room. The floors were covered in mosaic tiles (you’ll see traces of them) and the ceiling was covered with a blue glass paste. Water flowed to it with great reliability via a network of canals, wells and cisterns. The importance of these baths is evident in the two statues of the god Bes, a divinity of health worship, and by a sacred area devoted to nymphs.