It is one of the largest megalithic constructions on the Island, along with a smaller-scale ‘copy’, located not far from other Nuragic ruins - still to be investigated - and it has unearthed an artefact that may be the oldest Mycenaean import found in a Sardinian archaeological site. The Giants’ Tomb of San Cosimo is found in a valley in the territory of Gonnosfanadiga that opens like a natural amphitheatre at the foot of the Terra Maistus mount, in a landscape dominated by the outline of Monte Linas. The area contains a real archaeological park, in which there is also another smaller tomb of the same type, and two nuraghi.

Also known as sa grutta de santu Giuanni, the tomb was considered by the ‘father’ of Sardinian archaeology Giovanni Lilliu - in his work entitled ‘La Civiltà dei Sardi’ (the Sardinian Civilisation) - to be the largest Giants’ Tomb known up until that time: it is thirty metres long and its exedra is 26 metres wide. It was built from granite, obtained in the surrounding area.