Green Flags, Sardinia's child-friendly beaches

Capo Coda Cavallo - San Teodoro

Green Flags, Sardinia's child-friendly beaches

The Island is always at the top, for quality and safety of the shorelines
16 locations along the Island’s coastal perimeter have received the award

Almost unreal colours and transparencies, soft, white sand, sometimes accompanied by pebbles and multicoloured grains, rocks and cliffs sculpted by nature into curious shapes, dunes, pine forests and lagoons as backdrops. These are the characteristics that enchant all those who frequent Sardinian beaches, to which we can also add a factor that is fundamental for many: safety and availability of services for families with children. Almost three thousand Italian and foreign paediatricians consider Sardinia to be on the podium of the regions with the highest number of family-friendly beaches, which have continued to receive the Green Flag award every year. For 16 years now, evidence of increasing attention to the needs and requirements of visitors has been ‘scattered’ across every corner of the Island.

Spiaggia del Poetto - Cagliari
spaces, tranquillity and leisure are at home here

To be considered suitable for the Green Flag to be on display, a location must be recommended by at least 35 paediatricians. The required characteristics are: comfort and space between the umbrellas, allowing children to play freely and under their parents’ supervision; a sea that is generally calm and clean, which does not suddenly become deep near the shore, making it possible to bathe safely; the presence of beach assistants, equipment and services; facilities for catering, sports and entertainment for the little ones. These elements are often decisive when choosing where to spend sunny and relaxing days on the beach with your family. In Sardinia you will be spoiled for choice: discover the 16 locations that have also received the award in 2024.

Spiaggia Girin - isola di san Pietro - Carloforte
in the south and west, there are beaches for all tastes

Kilometres of sandy shore, dozens of kiosks and restaurants, cycle and pedestrian paths, playgrounds, services and entertainment: between the Poetto beach of Cagliari and the coast of Quartu Sant'Elena absolutely nothing is missing. The ‘jury’ of paediatricians also chose to reward Sulcis: the list includes Cala Domestica, a spectacular ‘fjord’ nestled between nature and evidence of mining in the territory of Buggerru, and the beaches of the island of San Pietro: La Caletta, Punta Nera, Guidi and Girin, the closest to one of the Borghi Più Belli d'Italia (Most Beautiful Villages in Italy), Carloforte. Naturally, in the Oristano area, you’ll find the large, comfortable beaches of Torregrande and Santa Giusta, while two of the gems of Sinis, namely Is Arutas and Mari Ermi, famous for the grains of coloured quartz on the beach, are confirmed to be suitable for families with small children.

Lido - Alghero
Alghero, Castelsardo and Gallura always at the top

The north-west of Sardinia is synonymous with blue sea and wild nature, a stone's throw from cities rich in history and charm. The beaches of the Alghero coast and of the Park of Porto Conte are a top destination for families wanting to combine relaxation and discovery, as is that of Ampurias in Lu Bagnu, a seaside district of Castelsardo, a picturesque village ‘perched’ up high above the sea. In Gallura, the Green Flag flies in the picture postcard settings of Capo Coda Cavallo, San Teodoro, Santa Teresa Gallura and on two beaches of the National Park of the La Maddalena Archipelago: Punta Tegge and Spalmatore. Could the eastern coast be left out? Of course not: the Marina di Orosei adds further recognition to the many awards the area has to be proud of, along with Berchìda, a jewel of Siniscola, the Oasis of Bidderosa, another pearl of Orosei, the Lido di Orrì and the splendid Cea, both in the Tortolì area.

Oasi di Bidderosa - Oasi 3 - Orosei


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