Facing the Pedres Castle, near Olbia, a veil of mystery surrounds a Nuragic burial ground. Unlike the thousands of other graves of its kind, at the su mont’e s’Aba (or s’Ape) Tomb of the Giant the deceased were buried together. The sacred rites were performed in the funerary room but, unlike elsewhere, no funerary documents were found in the sacred well to accompany the dead to his or her encounter with the divinity.
The building was constructed in two phases. In the first phase, which dates to the period of the Bonnanaro culture, the tomb was built in the allée couverte manner, a sort of elongated dolmen. Then, around the year 1600 BCE, it was transformed into a Tomba di Gigante (literally Tomb of the Giant) with exedra and stele, traces of which can still be seen. The building, which was originally built in the shape of a bull’s head, the divinity responsible for generating life, had a semicircle in front of it.