A cradle of archaic traditions, Orgosolo reveals a deep bond with its roots: it is the land of the Canto a Tenore (Polyphonic folk singing), proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Inhabited since prehistoric times, as can be seen by the domus de Janas, tombs of the giants and the Su Calavriche, Mereu and Gorropu Nuraghi, at the end of the 19th century, the village became known for banditry. Film director Vittorio De Seta, in the film entitledBanditi a Orgosolo (Bandits of Orgosolo - 1961), describes the bitter fight to defend the lands confiscated by the State.
During the twentieth century a cultural ferment developed, Muralism, which is still active and the origin of which was a tool of protest. Little lanes and stone houses are enriched by beautiful paintings, which have made the village internationally famous. Many artists have contributed to the creation of a real outdoor museum: hundreds of murals colour the streets and tell the story of traditions, culture and deep dissent.