Thermal waters, wellness since time immemorial

Terme romane di Fordongianus

Thermal waters, wellness since time immemorial

A special gift comes from Sardinia's geological history: the beneficial properties of the waters that flow from deep underground. Known since time immemorial, the Sardinian thermal baths have retained all of their qualities
Beneficial effects known since prehistoric times

It is no coincidence that in Sardinia the thermal waters, filtered by ancient volcanic rocks and heated by the effect of the geothermal gradient, flow near domus de Janas and nuragic sites. In fact, it can be said with relative certainty that the benefits of their saline-bromine-iodine or sulphurous composition have been well known since prehistoric times. These characteristics did not escape the notice of the Roman colonisers, who identified areas on sites already known in the Nuragic age where thermal baths could be built, which have survived to the present day. Even then, the 'patricians' benefited from curative and aesthetic treatments in unique surroundings. Today you can enjoy them in modern and cosy facilities, perfect for relaxation, wellness and pampering.

Terme Romane - Fordongianus
Terme di Casteldoria
Waters with anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant and decongestant properties

Sardinian thermo-mineral waters flow out at high temperatures and are ideal for treating the skin, circulatory system disorders, rheumatic and joint pains. In the Sassarese area there are two complexes dating back to Roman times. The Benetutti thermal baths are located near an imposing nuraghe, immersed in a wooded park and surrounded by 'fairy houses'. At one time they were the Aquae Lesitanae: 110 springs and, next to each spring, there was apparently a stone slab describing the ailment to be cured. While at the Casteldoria baths, a few kilometres from Castelsardo, the water gushes out at a temperature of between 40 and 76 degrees, close to the Coghinas river (which means kitchens...). The distance from here to Gallura is short: don't miss a visit to the Rinaggiu springs in Tempio Pausania, where cold mineral waters restore body and soul.

Terme romane di Fordongianus
Terme romane di Fordongianus
Water and mud to heal skin and bones, tone and detoxify

It was the astronomer Ptolemy (2nd century AD) who first mentioned the Fordongianus baths, set in the Tirso valley in the Oristanese region. The ancient site was called Forum Traiani, created at the behest of Emperor Trajan and known for the Aquae Ypsitanae. Sulphurous and hyperthermal, gushing out at 56 degrees, they are sought after for the treatment of various diseases. The old building (which can be visited) has given way to the technologies of the modern baths. Here too mud is a precious ally for health and beauty. Soft enough to be applied all over the body, warm and enveloping or cold and invigorating, it prevents and treats rheumatism and arthrosis, detoxifies the body and reactivates the immune system.

Terme di san Saturnino - Benetutti
terme antiche di san Saturnino - Benetutti
Modern thermal baths in unique settings

From the north to the south: in the Medio Campidano area, the thermal baths of Sardara, at Santa Maria Acquas, are famous. A Nuragic temple and a sacred well stand nearby: the site was frequented in prehistoric times for votive purposes and was later christened Acquae Naepolitanae by the Romans, after the nearby Phoenician-Punic colony of Neapolis. The thermal baths are located in the Parco degli Eucalipti (‘Eucalyptus Park’), at the foot of the castle of Monreale. Over the centuries, water and mud have retained their beneficial properties. Five springs produce water at around 60 degrees Celsius, ideal for healing and wellness treatments. There is another active thermal spa in the Campidano area, a short distance away: the s'Acqua Cotta site in the Villasor area.

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