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Chiesa di santa Barbara, interno - Villacidro

A balanced overlapping of architectural forms, it is also a wonderful example of how sacred art on the island has adapted to the dictates of the Counter-Reformation. In the parish church of Santa Barbara, which stands in the historical ‘upstream’ part...

Piazza s'Olivariu - Uta


It is located in a vast fertile area between Lower Campidano and the valley of Cixerri. Uta is a little city with naturalistic, historical-artistic and archaeological value, populated by eight thousand inhabitants, in urban...

Chiesa san Giovanni Battista - Orotelli

Standing atop a hill, its dominant position overlooks the surrounding valley. The Church of San Giovanni Battista is the oldest church in Orotelli, in the heart of the island. It is named after the patron of the...

Cattedrale dell'Immacolata Concezione - Bosa

It is of medieval origin, perhaps dating back to the 12th century, but it now has a 19th-century appearance and its charm is linked to the original interweaving of different styles. Bosa Cathedral is dedicated to the Immaculate...

Ponticello nel Bosco incantato di Niala - Ussassai

Those who visit it, cannot help but describe it with just one adjective: enchanted. The Niala forest, in the territory of Ussassai, next to the state-owned forest of Montarbu, is an oasis set...

Chiesa San Pietro extra muros - Bosa

From the colourful houses in the village of Bosa, travelling one kilometre along the Temo river, you will reach the locality of Calamedia, a site that was already inhabited in the Phoenician-Punic age: here,...

Veduta di Ittireddu

The village is spread out on Mount Ruiu, surrounded by extinct volcanoes dating back millions of years. Ittireddu, a small and ancient Logudoro village with just over 500 inhabitants, dates back to Byzantine times, when the church of...

Basilica di Nostra Signora di Luogosanto

Legend has it that the Virgin Mary appeared before two monks, showing them where to find the relics of Saints Nicholas and Trano and suggesting that a sanctuary be created in her honour amongst the granite and oaks of Cape Soprano, where Locus...

Parrocchiale della Beata Vergine della Neve - Pabillonis

Situated in the central-south of Campidano, near the confluence of Flumini Mannu and Flumini Bellu, on lands rich in clay, which has defined its history and economy. Pabillonis is a town of almost 3000 inhabitants, with close ties to...

Parrocchiale di santa Lucia - Siamanna

It was founded in the Roman Era in the upper section of the modern town, in Funtana e Susu, along the road from Usellus to Forum Traiani (Fordongianus), which is marked as Is Romanaius to this day. Siamanna is a...