A stop along the Cammino di Santu Jacu, a spiritual path that touches the places devoted to Saint James the Great, stands in the small village of Nughedu Santa Vittoria and reveals only a few clues about its history: two dates engraved inside it, while another source has been lost. Equal amounts of charm and mystery linger in the parish church dedicated to Saint James, in Gothic-Aragonese style, built using red trachyte. Vittorio Angius transcribed the content of an epigraph, which was kept in the choir at that time and has now disappeared, that mentioned the name of the 'procurator' and the year 1634, probably referring to the end of the construction work inside the sanctuary. The same date is found on the keystone of the presbytery, while on the façade, the date 1674 can be read on a shield that stands out in the tympanum of the portal. Some, however, consider it to be a reconstruction of a building that already existed in the 16th century.