Romanesque legacies, Renaissance designs, Gothic decorations and hints of Baroque. The Church of Santa Sofia is the parish church of San Vero Milis, a village on the border between Campidano and Montiferru, one of the most renowned centres for the production of Vernaccia wine. It owes much of its charm to the original blend of construction styles and was also built on a pre-existing structure, of which there are no documentary traces. An inscription on the right jamb of the triumphal arch in the main altar indicates 1604 as the date of its construction, by the Genoese Agostino Careli and Cagliari-born Francesco Escanu. It was probably the reconstruction of a Romanesque church, perhaps dating back to the 13th century. The only trace of it still remaining is a section of wall surface on the rear façade, with alternating rows of sandstone and basalt ashlars: the previous church must therefore have been two-tone.