You will see its enormous stele, a granite slab almost four metres high, standing out in the valley of the Isalle rivulet, at the end of a trail half a kilometre long and covered in Mediterranean scrub. The Tomb of the Giants of S'Ena 'e Thomes is the most important Nuragic burial monument on the island: it is majestic, just like it was thousands of years ago. Dating back to the Early Bronze Age (1800-1600 BC), it is located in the Dorgali territory, six kilometres from the Nuragic village of Serra Orrios and approximately 17 km from the residential area, along the road that leads to Lula.
Your impression will be one of archaism and monumentality. The granite stele with smooth edges weighs seven tonnes and is at the centre of an exedra, or a semicircle of stone slabs 'laid on edge' set in the ground in the shape of a bull's horn, decreasing in size from the centre outwards.