It is part of the artistic landscape of Sassari with its rich architecture and variety of styles, embracing a very long period, from the 12th to the 14th century, and it harmoniously brings together Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical elements. With its large size, Santa Maria di Bétlem, dedicated to the Vergine Assunta (Blessed Virgin of the Assumption), dominates, the square of the same name and Largo Porta Uzeri, rising up before a paved cloister, where the sixteenth-century fountain of the ‘Brigliadore’ from brillador (spout) stands out. The Discesa dei Candelieri, (Descent of the Candlesticks) starts at the church and this event is the one that the inhabitants of Sassari love the most. Inside, the Candlesticks are wooden votive candles are kept and are carried during a procession on 14 August: it is the place in which seven gremi of the artisans and merchants are located: public transport workers, farm workers, carpenters, builders, greengrocers piccapietre (stonemasons) and tailors.
Built in the 12th century and rebuilt in Gothic style during the last quarter of the 13th century, it is the most ancient church in the town.