Famous for its orchards of citrus fruit, oranges in particular, planted by the Camaldolite monks who settled here in the XIII century building the churches of San Paolo, San Giorgio di Calcaria and San Pietro in Vincoli. Milis is an important agricultural town of more than 1,500 inhabitants nestled in a valley rich with streams and brooks, near the Montiferru mountain range, and lends its name to the northern part of Oristano’s Campidano region. Its name may have come from miles, or soldier, when it was a Roman military settlement. It boasts some well-preserved prehistoric remains in the form of various nuraghe: Cobulas and Tronza along the banks of the riu Mannu.
The verdant landscape is rendered fertile by an abundance of streams and rivers. Orange groves abound and every February a citrus festival is held. Other fine foodstuffs are also grown and made here: cereals, honey and Vernaccia wine. The year’s main event is the Sardinian novello wine festival in November, featuring food and wine, as well as cultural activities. In mid-March, during the feast of San Giuseppe, there is also the chick pea festival. While August boasts an ethnic music and dance festival, La Vega.