In the mid-14th century, during a plague epidemic that hit the historic territory of Meilogu, a family from Thiesi went to live outside the village to avoid contamination. According to a folk tale, the youngest member of the family, Antine – short for Constantine in Logudoro dialect -, was wandering through the fields when he discovered a cave with marvellous painted decorations. He described it to his parents as a ‘palace’ and began to visit it more and more frequently. Orphaned, he moved there, living in the company of the Janas, mythical fairies who lived in the ravines dug out of the rock. He was eventually found lifeless here, with his eyes wide open, intent on admiring the paintings until his very last moment. So far, all this is legend, while the extraordinary decorations adorning the walls of one of the four tombs in the necropolis of Mandra Antine, known as ‘Antine’s hideaway’, are absolutely real. At the same time, the paintings are an enigma and a very rare phenomenon: only a few cases of multicoloured decorations have been found inside a prehistoric tomb in the whole of the Mediterranean basin.